In order to be a successful financial advisor, you have to focus on growing your business. As you work to grow your business, it’s important to focus on quality and not quantity. Focusing on quality helps you weed out a difficult prospect before they become a difficult client. Some clients start out fine and become difficult over […]
Defining your niche is one of the first things you do when developing a marketing plan. When you know your niche, you’re able to create targeted marketing campaigns. People typically stop there, but it’s possible to create a narrower definition of your target market. You can do this by creating a persona for your ideal client. Creating[…]
When someone decides to make a large purchase, they tend to search the internet for reviews. It makes sense that they’d do the same when looking for someone to help manage their finances. Since you aren’t a product on Amazon, it’s unlikely that prospective clients will find reviews of your services online. This can be a problem[…]