improve client satisfaction



How Can Financial Advisors Improve Client Satisfaction?

Just how important is customer experience in the wake of COVID-19? Consider these fascinating facts from a 2020 survey: 86% of buyers will pay more to receive stellar customer service 32% of buyers will switch brands after a single bad experience 80% of businesses now offer omnichannel customer support 57% of users won’t recommend a poorly designed […]

referral follow-up process



How a Financial Advisor Developers a Referral Follow-Up Process Guide

When starting as a financial advisor, it can be challenging to find new clients. That’s why many financial advisors tend to start with a referral from a friend, neighbor, or family member. However, consistently generating referrals can be difficult. Referrals offer financial advisors a chance to test their selling skills without being too pushy as trust has been established[…]

How can financial advisors improve client satisfaction



How can financial advisors improve client satisfaction

The career of a financial advisor is one that must stand the test of time. Markets change and financial trends are constantly evolving. What remains is the importance of a financial advisor’s role in helping people manage their money. Good financial advisors get Christmas cards every year from clients they’ve helped grow their net worth, hit financial[…]