Nurture Educate and Entertain



Nurture, Educate, and Entertain your Prospects and Clients

Nurture, Educate, and Entertain your Prospects and Clients CONTINUALLY – Forever. Gee, it seems like I keep having this conversation with otherwise really sharp people…. I keep repeating that Ogilvy Quote about a “moving parade of humanity.” What on earth am I talking about? Well, regardless of whether we are talking about “prospects,” people who have attended […]

Advertising Doesn't Work...or Does It?



Advertising Doesn’t Work for Financial Advisors?

Advertising Doesn’t Work for Financial Advisors? No, it works GREAT if you do it right. I’ve had several conversations with Advisors who tell me “Advertising Doesn’t Work.” Maybe it’s just me, but you have to just not be paying attention in our industry to not know that online and offline marketing for Financial Advisors are everywhere you[…]