
Found Money

“Found Money” I’ve always found it entertaining the things that people will say about you when you’re not listening. Recently I had a new client join our team. In the process he mentioned that he’d talked to some other clients that were friends of his. Naturally curious I asked what that had to say about me and […]

How to market yourself as a wealth manager



7 Tips to Learn How to Market Yourself as a Wealth Manager Online

Did you know that 70% of a buyer’s journey is complete before they even reach out to sales? Digital marketing has transformed the way we do business in the past two decades. Twenty years ago, social media didn’t even exist. The first major smartphone (the iPhone) didn’t come onto the market until 2007. Now, we’re online for[…]

Planning marketing events is still possible for financial planners and wealth managers.



Planning Marketing Events

Events should be a part of your marketing strategy. They’re one of the best ways to bring in new business. This is especially true if your primary source of new business is referrals. At most, referrals trickle in if you rely on your clients to make the sale. By hosting marketing events, you’re giving your clients the[…]